Other Educational Links

Resources for Book Reviews

Amazon On-Line Bookstore - This location has a book review for nearly every book you have wondered about. (Some are professionally written and some are responses from readers, most of whom wouldn’t write if they didn’t think the book was the best they have ever read.)


Other Parent Organizations

http://www.theriver.com/Public/tucson_parents_edu_forum/. Arizona Parents for Traditional Education

http://www.thnet.com/~thompsbk/. Parents for Quality Education

http://www.foxinternet.net/web2/alian/. Parents involved in Education

http://www.athenet.net/~jlindsay/Education.shtml Views of a Concerned Parent


National Organizations

http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/ Newsletter about educational issues

http://www.eagleforum.org/ Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum

http://www.nea.org/ National Education Association

http://members.aol.com/TxtbkRevws/ Educational Research Analysis is a group who does textbook reviews. They know how to set up criteria and evaluate reading material’s appropriateness to the classroom.


Contact us at: school-connection@mailexcite.com

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