
A sucker to never throw away anything, espcially things I've written (good thing I don't make grocery lists), I've kept all my past comments on this page. These have shown up from time to time on the main page, as the mood struck me.
Bar I'm so excited! I just got an email from from a lady in... Hmm.. I'm not sure where she's from (the beauty of internet communications). Anyway, she's got a ton of great stuff on the Kerr's. She got me in touch with another lady from Alaska, who has a web pag full of Kerr's, and now I feel so in touch with the universe. Or some silly like that. I suppose that if I want to keep this site up to date, I should start including relevant links to these sites that actually mean something.

Oh, and I've put in a new page. Basically, I replaced the last comment I made here with this one, and didn't have the heart to throw it out. You can get to it down there someplace.
       --Becky Flesher 11/10/98

Oh my, I am so ashamed of this page (although, it's slowly getting better). I haven't looked at it in so long. It was my very first web page, and now that I work as a webmaster for a technology company, I re-visit this one after several YEARS of neglect, and gasp. I've cleaned it up just a bit, but it's still scary. As I find time and motivation, I will touch it up here and there, but I refuse to put up an "Under Constuction" sign. That's just too silly.

       --Becky Flesher 11/7/98

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