DEFINING A UNIVERSE at each instant of time, communication of information of EXISTENCE in one FRAME of TIME, and RELATIONSHIP VERIFICATION between DIFFERING FRAMES of TIME giving rise to mass and Energy relationships.

Does some sort of universal communication of information of the existence of each spason need to exist, or will only direct local spason to spason relationships do? How can a spason know it is part of a universe, and why is each time frame different from all others?

The photons at any time do not interact with future or past photons. Neither past or future photons interact with the present. Interactions only happen NOW. This also must apply to the spasons which form photons. Energy "flow", exchange of information about spason relationships, alters possible FUTURE spason positions from those that might otherwise have happened.

This information exchange takes place only NOW. Thus each new spason as it is created must "know" that the index that identifies it is different from all other spasons in the entire universe.

1) To establish a new unique index a new spason needs to do more than just compare only with those with indices very similar to the "parent" prior new spason. The new index will be no more than one (or two) index numbers different from the identifying number of the parent. And it must have this information before it can exist. It is; however, not possible to obtain this information by it being "down the chain" one unit at a time from spason to spason at each tick of time since an already existing spason may have been from a prior photon path that does not otherwise directly contact the parent path for more time units than C would allow.

2) Spasons that do not yet exist can not exchange anything with any other location - they do not exist yet. The positions that have not yet come into existence can't be part of the universe. Thus some means of tachyon type of communication of information at more than C and not limited to C must exist. And there is no apparent alternative but that each new spason contains the information needed to identify it with OUR universe and to identify at which unit of time it came into existence.

3) One space time frame at one instant of time is an integrated "rigid" unified whole. Every part of the frame must communicate information with every other part so that each part "knows" the relationship with every other part in that frame.

There are new spasons created at each tick of time, and old spason that had existed in other frames. All the older spasons had previously communicated the fact of their existence with all the other older spasons so they do not need to re-communicate that information. On the other hand all the new spasons which did not even exist prior to this tick of time must communicate the fact of their existence to all other spasons, both new and old. But this creates a philosophical problems in that the new spasons can not "know" how to communicate this information to others created at the same instant. There is no past record of their existence since they did not exist in any prior frame. How does the newly formed spason obtain this information from other new spasons?

It in theory the new spason could borrow a past list of what existed from the parent neighboring "past" older spason which had a list of what existed up to that time. This borrowing; however, can not extend to the new spasons also created in that tick since they did not exist in that prior tick of time and are not in the list.

4) Thus to have as current a list as possible, the minimal condition is that each NEW SPASON must communicate information of its existence to all OTHER NEW SPASONS, as well as to receive the total older pattern from any spason in the next prior frame, so that they have a total current frame of the universe that they belong to. This total information content of what belongs to this frame defines the content of the universe at each tick of time, and each frame has a unique information content different from all other time frames.

5) CONTRARY: There is a second form of VERIFYING information giving time dependent relationships, a communication which proceeds at C; the spasons can communicate this type of information only to those spasons next (one hodon) to themselves at each tick of time. They receive communication from those older spasons offset by the {time to distance ratio}, C, but one quantum of information moves only one unit of distance (x) away each chronon of time from these next neighboring spasons.

6) This type of communication contains and transmits the space relationship in time between rigid time frames and will give rise to a limit in motion, and the property we call mass, and / or energy. It is a TIME limit on changes, and how fast these changes can take place, i.e. how fast direct interactions may happen. Mass is the resistance to a change. This limit then gives rise to and is mass/ energy.

7) The mass-energy relationship communication proceeds in the classical event horizon "cone" (or more properly an expanding sphere in four dimensions), and spasons some specific number of units of time, say 8 units of time away, can communicate their interactions only via a spason to next spason link up to that same specific number of units, 8 in this case, and it takes 8 time units to do so.

8) All communication of this type is direct; not universal as in the tachyon form above 1, 2 and 3; but from a spason only to its closet neighboring parent spason before it in the space time continuum, (or possibly one which already existed in prior time, which prior existence forced a change in the identification that the newly existing spason might have had in the normal progression of coming into existence). In turn in the next tick of time the near spason can communicate information relationships for BOTH the spasons in the first past and second past tick; In the third tick can communicate THREE bits of relationship for spasons one, two and three hodons away, etc. Each transmission need not be redundant, as the neighboring spason need pass only the relationships newly received, building up a picture of what lies in the expanding sphere. But note that the total accumulated relationship information is "diluted" and the effect is inversely proportional to the distance.

For the primary tick of time there is only one relationship to consider, for spasons two units away there are two units thus each has half the effect, for spason 4 units away, there are 4 units involved, thus each is only 1/4 as important in the total relationship. E is proportional to 1/r, thus force proportional to 1/r2.

Thus this second type of information flow is sufficient to account for mass/ energy type physics. The prior universal "tachyon" communication at each tick of time thinking is necessary to account for the space-time physics, more fundamental than energy or mass type thinking.

Note again that tachyons do convey information, and only information. They do not convey any mass- or energy like time-space information but just the information needed to build a coherent space structure at each unique instant of time. The mass like behavior happens when we try to relate spasons between time frames. Thus tachyons are confined to their unique time frames.

Indexing, as has already been reported, requires that each spason must be identified by a unique index that is different from all other spasons, or even all other possible future/ or past spasons in the universe. To do this the radius of the universe (Ru = 1.4557 x 1028 cm) divided by the spason distance (x= 1.273727 x 10-21 cm) means the universe must be some 1.1429 x 1049 spason in radius. This is roughly 2164 in binary numbers. (actual log2 is 163.9671). In order to specify the volume of the universe we must have binary index numbers the cube of that or 2492 - 492 binary bits in each index (in decimal form = 1.4928 x 10147 ).

Taking another approach, the volume of the universe is 1.292124 x1085 cc, and at 2.056015773 x 1031 new events or new spasons per cc (as opposed to the number of possible spasons which is the 1/ x3 or 2.06647 x 10-63 cc, or 4.83917 x 1062 per cc)- the number of NEW spasons in the universe is 2.656627 x 10116 while the number of spasons total that exist is that times (6p6)= 1.532431 x 10120.

With a chronon being 4.24869669 x 10-32 sec. that implies that the number of new interactions is 6.2528 x 10147 with new spasons only or 3.60682 x 10151 for total communication of all spasons. The ratio is 4.188 (=4p/3) is just the numbers from the volume of cube compared to a sphere. Note that the index calculation was taken as a direct cube (not a sphere) so this is to be expected.

This rather astronomic number of bits of information (10151)also has to be stored in the interior structure of each spason. Thus the spason, while made of pure information which can be expressed as if it were purely numerical, is far more complex than perhaps anticipated. In fact each spason has a complexity of the exact same order of complexity of the Universe as a whole!

This complexity is an exact analogy to the cells in our body. Each cell in each animal has the total information content needed to describe the whole animal. Each cell only expresses some small part of the total blue print it contains, but within the nucleus is the whole blueprint of the whole animal.


To update this information each spason must have a complete set of index identification (the indexing) of all past spasons, plus an information exchange of the identity (an index that is unique) of every new spason as it is created. Thus the definition of space in each frame at each instant of time demands information being transmitted at many times C -in fact across the whole universe of some 15.387 billion light years radius -

1.4557 x 10 26 meters, each 4.24869669 x 10-32 second. Speed minimal 3.4262 x 10 57 meters per second, far faster than C at "only" 3 x 108 meters per second. That is a data transmission rate of roughly 10183 bits per second, (calculated 8.4892 x 10182 ).

DISCOVERY- Because of the information content in each spason, if we knew how to read it, then we could "see" anywhere in the whole universe from the data contained in every spason. But to do that we need a "super ultra microscope" that can "see" below 10-21 cm. The use of the space unit of cm. in fact is irrelevant in this case. We need resolution enough to see the ultra fine structure in pure index form, i.e. where time and distance have ceased to have meaning, and FAR FAR below the limits of photons, mass, or energy. Yet the key to the ultra distant universe lies in the ultra small spason indexing, and visa versa. We learn about both ends of the spectrum, or neither. We must make progress with the very small and the very large both, although the words large and small both are irrelevant in the indexing domain.

The word "SEE" also implies the invention of a machine capable of converting pure numbers into photon form so that we may use our senses to experience them. This is an analogy to the electron microscope, in part, but the task is of a new order of magnitude. Electrons, being three conjugated photons, are already photonic. The index numbers are not in the domain of mass, or energy etc. at all. Thus the problem is one of changing domains totally.

Perhaps this is analogous to being able to "see" the state of magnetic fields in a computer disk or to "see" the data in a computer chip that is in the binary information bits that make up its memory- or its program. We would need a very special "microscope" indeed to allow us to view that computer information set; and even more to interpret what it means. That is what the rest of the computer does for us! Note that the power of such a computer to control and convert that indexing information into something we could experience with sight (hearing etc.) also is astronomic, far beyond by many orders of magnitude of the available machines.

The combination of factors that would allow such a machine will probably not occur for more than 135 years. This is the technology of another century. In fact not even the next, the twenty first, but well into the one after that, the twenty second century,.... or even the next. My crystal ball becomes cloudy with optimism and a desire for progress pushing things closer in time, and yet also clouded with pessimism of the eminent socio-ethical collapse of a whole civilization pushing events too far into the future to predict. But the pessimism of the end of one species and the optimism of the start of several new ones makes 135 to 180 years seem reasonable for the first technology in this area of science. The ethics needed to control this sort of power seem even further away now with the collapse of ethics in our whole civilization, thus possibly two centuries plus seems a better guess as to when we might invent this technology.

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