And here we go with some new Star Wars artwork.
Pellaeon and Konrad
This is Captain Gilad Pellaeon and the corsair lady Jon Konrad.

Admiral Piett and Mon Mothma share a close moment - illustration inspired by the excellent Star Wars fanfic Admiral Piett and the Great Ewok Adventure. Don't let the title fool you into thinking its a total comedy. It has plenty of adventure and harrowing moments as well as wonderful character development. Highly recommended.

Anakin's Ride

No horses in the Star Wars universe, but here's something that's close.

And another pic of Anakin hitching a ride.

Anakin rides a kerynn

Obi-Wan in trouble

Obi-Wan is suddenly stuck with chibi Anakin and wee!Qui-Gon. Can we say, "he's in trouble?" I knew you could.

All, rightie, we're still drawing Star Wars stuff. This is a set of images starting with the pencils and ending in colors. Kir Kanos, Imperial Guard and all-round samurai from the Crimson Empire series.

Kir Kanos pencil sketch

Here's the cleaned-up pencil art.

Kir Kanos full color

And the color version.

And a little icon version.

Kir icon