White County Deeds

Deed Book F White Co. p.92

This indenture made this 10th day of April in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen between John Crook of the State of Tennessee and County of White of the one part and Jane Goolsby of the state and county of aforesaid of the part witnesses that for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars by the said Jane Goolsby to the said John Crook this day paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said John Crook hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain, sell, and deliver unto the said Jane Goolsby, her heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing by survey forty acres lying in White County first district on a branch of the Falling Water which was originally granted by the State of Tennessee to John Crook assignee of John McNary and Bennet Searcy by grant No. 9240 bearing date May the seventh in the year of one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, the beginning and boundaries of the said tract of land are as follows to wit: Beginning on a white oak marked C running thence West one hundred thirteen and a half poles to the post oak, thence North fifty six and three fourths poles to a post in the Barrens thence East one hundred thirteen and a half poles to a hickory and black oak thence South fifty six and three fourths poles to the beginning with the hereditaments, and appurtenances to have and to hold the said track or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Jane Goolsby, her heirs and assigns forever in witness whereofhe the said John Crook hath hereunto set his hand seal this day and year first written.

John Crook Sen (Seal)

John Crook Junior
Peter (X) Goolsby (His mark)

State of Tennessee White County October Session 1817

This due execution of the written deed of Conveyance from John Crook to Jane Goolsby was this day acknowledged in open court by John Crook for the purpose and things therein mentioned and ordered to be recorded--let it be registered given at office 20th October 1817.

Test Jacob A Cane Clerk White County Court
Registered and Examined 2nd Dec. 1817
Test Elijah Chisum Register of White County

This indenture made the 10th day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventeen between John Crook of the state of Tennessee and county of White of the one part and Jane Goolsby of, the state and county aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars this day paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said John Crook hath bargained and sold and by these presents and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing by survey fifty acres lying in White County first District on Hutchings Creek which was originally granted by the State of Tennessee to John Crook assignee of John McNary and Bennet Searcy by Grant No. 9239, bearing date May the seventh one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. The beginning and boundaries of the said tract or parcel of land are as follows to wit: Beginning at a White Oak marked C, the beginning and Southeast corner of said Crook forty acres entry running thence East crossing Hutching Creek at seventy five poles in all eighty two poles to two white oaks and hickory on the line of Archibald Elliots survey, thence North crossing said creek at eighteen poles crossing again at thirty poles in all ninety seven and half poles to a chestnut and elm in a hollow, thence West crossing said creek at sixty four poles, in all eighty two poles to a Spanish Oak on a cliff of rocks, thence South ninety seven and a half poles to the beginning including several small improvements with the hereditaments and appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all appurtenances to the said Jane Goolsby, her heirs and assigns forever in witness whereof be the said John Crook hath hereunto set his hand and seal this day and year first above written.

John Crook (SEAL)

John Crook Junior
Amos Riley

State of Tennessee
White County                                October Session 1817

The due Execution of the written deed of conveyance from John Crook to Jane Goolsby was this day acknowledged in open court by John Crook for the purposes and things therein mentioned and ordered to be recorded--let it be registered--given at office 20th October 1817.

Tester Jacob A. Cane
Clerk White County Court

Registered and examined 2nd December 1817
Test- Elizah Chisum. Register
of White County

*Hereditaments--Heritable property (capable of being inherited or being passed by inheritance)

Appurtenance--An incidental right (such as a right of way) attached to a principal property right and passing in possession with it.

Pole--A varying unit of lenth: one measuring 161 ft. A unit of area equal to a square rod.

**The two numbers No. 9240 and No. 9239 are copied exactly as found in the original handwritten documents. JM, 1994.

Last updated August 07, 1999
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