Court of Pleas and Quarter Session

February 15, 1811
(p 229) Ordered by Court that Jacob Anderson, Jur. David McDaniel, Richard M. Rottan, John William, Christopher Steakley, Abijah Crane, John Crook, Snr. John James, Sebern Odern, James Townsend, Richard Hill, Robert Howard and Robert Puckett and Alexander Thomas, Constable personally appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of White on (p 230) the Second Monday of May next to serve as Jurors, and the Constable to attend on the same &/c. and that a Venirefacias issue accordingly.

May 13, 1811
(p 236) Jeremiah Potts )
          vs           ) Scifa
        John Allen     )
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney Thomas K, Harris and there upon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit: Jacob Anderson Senr., David McDaniel, Richard M. Rottan, James Townsend, Richard Hill, Robert Howard, Robert Puckett, Henry Lyda, Spence Mitchell, George Sugg, John Williams and John Crook Senr. who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon this oaths do say that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant one hundred and twelve dollars the Damages in the Scireiasias mentioned and costs therein mentioned together with all lawful costs in this behalf expended. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant his Damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in Mercy etc.

(p 239) Caleb Fraley )
          vs         ) In Debt. Appeal
        John Grigsby )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury. of good and lawful men towit: Jacob Anderson Sour. Enoch Odle, Richard M. Rottan, James Townsend, William M. Bryant, Robert Howard, Jesse N. Thomas, Henry Lyda, Spence Mitchell, George Sugg, John Williams and John Crook Senr. who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oaths do say that the defendant with nothing of the Debt. in the Declaration mentioned as in pleading he bath alledged. It is therefore considered by the (p 239) Court that the plaintiff take nothing by his Bill but for his false clamor he in Mercy etc. and that the Defendant go hence without day and recover against the plaintiff his cost by him about his defence in this behalf expended.

May 14, 1811
(p 250) Caleb Fraley                 ) In Debt.
          vs                         ) Joseph Smith &
        James Herron Surviving       ) Robert Armstrong
        parties of Herron King & Co. )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury of good and lawful men towit: Jacob Anderson Senr. Richard M. Rottan, James Townsend, John Williams, John Crook Senr. John White, Peter Pits, Henry Lyda, David McDaniel, Joil Alexander, Ephraim Alexander and John Terry who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their Oaths do say, that the Defendant doth owe unto the Plaintiff Three Hundred and fifty Dollars and forty cents the debt in the Declaration mentioned and they do assess the plaintiffs Damages by occasion of the detention there of to nine dollars sixty two and one half cents besides his costs to which verdict The Defendant filed his reasons in arrest of Judgment.

May 14, 1811
(p 254) This day John Kebby Goolsby, returned a list of his certain steed Horse kept for the purpose of covering Mares the present season, which said Horse is to be let to Mares at the rate of Two Dollars the season, etc.

May 15, 1811
(p 258) Joseph Rogers )
          vs          ) In Debt. Appeal
        James Herron  )
This day came the parties by their attornies and there upon came a Jury of good and (p 259) lawful men towit: Jacob Anderson Senr. James Townsend, John Williams, John Crook, Senr. Isaac Pruett, James R. Bryan, David McDaniel, Robert Glenn, John Townsend, Caleb Fraley, William Burden and Ephrain Alexander who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined, the plaintiff being admitted to prove his account by the Book Debt. law and the plaintiff was thereupon ruled to to produce in open Court his books from which be took his accounts.

May 16, 1811
(p 263) Alexander Lowery )
          vs             ) In Debt. Appeal
        George Miller    )
This day came the parties by their Attornies and thereupon came a jury of good and lawful men towit: Isaac Brown, Jacob Anderson, Senr. Richard M. Rottan, James Townsend, John Williams, John Crook Senr. Hardy Jones, Woodson P. White, Ericus Smith, David Phillips, Ephraim Alexander & Benjamin Burden who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oaths do say that the Defendant doth owe to the plaintiff the sum of Twenty four Dollars besides costs as in pleading he hath alledged. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant the sum of twenty four dollars aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed together with (p 264) his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended. And the said Defendant in Mercy etc, To which judgment the Defendant tendered a Bill of exceptions which was enrolled and ordered to compose part of this record etc.

(p 266) John Dergan    )
          vs.          ) In Debt.
        David McDaniel )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury of good and lawful men towit: Jacob Anderson, Richard M. Rotten, John Williams, Thomas Gist, William Ridge, Samuel B. Smith, David Smith, John Crook Senr. Ephraim Alexander, James Townsend, Robert Pucket and Hardy Jones, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to Speak upon the issue joined upon their oaths do say that the Defendant doth owe unto the plaintiff two dollars as in pleading he hath alledged. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant his debt aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed together with his Cost about his suit in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in Mercy etc.


November 13, 1811
(p 28) Ordered by Court that the following persons here in after Named be summoned to attend as Jurors at the Next Circuit Court to be holden for the County of White at the Court house in the town of Sparta, on the first Monday of March Next Towit: Alexander Irwin, Thomas Taylor Snr. James Townsend, John Briggs, Joseph Smith, John Robinson, Alijah Crane, John W. Simpson, Robert G, Anderson, John Dodson Junr. John Dale, Benjamin Burden, John Jett, George Saunders, Peter Carter, Garrette Fitsgerald, Reuben Ragland, John Crook, Junr. Jacob Ryder, Joseph Upchurch, James Bowen, Jesse Dodson, John Bryan Snr. William Shaw, Benjamin Weaver, Andrew McBride, William Belcher, Samuel Weaver Jnr. Pierce Coody, (Continued) (p. 29) William Hays, Joseph Anderson, Thomas Horne. Andrew Birk, Jesse Babb, John Trapp, Robert Harris, Levi Sweat, Alexander Lowery, and David Thompson, and that they attend from day to day until discharged by Court and that a Venire facias issue accordingly and that it is ordered that Isaac McGuire and John H. Anderson be appointed as Constables to attend there on &c. Issd Nov, 26th 1811

August 10, 1812
(p 187) Thomas Bounds   )
             &          )
        Thomas Lovelady ) Deed of conveyance for 20
          To Issd.      ) acres of land.
        John Crook Snr. )
Was this day acknowledged in open Court by Thomas Bounds and Thomas Lovelady for the purpose there in Mentioned and ordered to be recorded- let it be registered- and it is
ordered accordingly.

(p 187) Thomas Bounds   )
             &          )
        Thomas Lovelady ) Deed of conveyance for 84
          To Issd.      ) acres of land.-
        John Crook Snr. )
Was this day acknowledged in open Court by (Continued) Thomas Bounds and Thomas Lovelady (p 188) for the purpose there in Mentioned, and ordered to be recorded- let it be registered and it is ordered accordingly.

(p 187) William R. Cole )
        & Solomon Cox   ) Deed of Conveyance for
          To Issd.      ) 50 acres of land.-
        John Crook Snr. )
The due execution of the above deed of conveyance was this day proven in open Court by the oath of John Creby Goosly one of the subscribing Witnesses there to for the purpose there in Mentioned, who at the same time made oath Thomas Crutcher and James Hill, whose names are subscribed there as Witnesses, did sign their names as Witnesses there at the time of the execution of the same, Where upon it was ordered that the same be recorded- let it be registered & it was ordered accordingly.

June 10, 1813
(p 160) Ordered by Court that Thomas Meek, Isaac Plumlee, Jacob Anderson, John Scoggon, William Rotton, Thomas Wilson, Isham Bradley, John E. Coner, William Cook, Robert Bates, Thomas Sherly, Elijah England, William Williams, Joseph Thomas, John Crook Snr. William Anderson, Robert Pucket, John Bull, William J. Smith, Michal Kizor, James Bounds, Absalom Norris, Charles Isham, Jesse England, Jonathan Dilldine, and James Randols as Jurors, and Jno C. Hall and Daniel M. Parkison as Constables to attend at the next term of this Court.

(p 161) Garrett Fitzgerald )
          vs               ) Trespass
        John Walling       )
This day came the parties by their attornies and there upon came a Jury of good and lawful men Towit: John Walker, Elijah Nelson, George Sugg, Joel Melton, Eliphalit Baker, Robert Reed, Mathias Anderson, Christopher Catron, Finch Worley, James Anderson Snr. John Crook Snr. and William Burden, who being elected, tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue Joined, upon their oaths do say that the Defendant is not Guilty in manner and form as charged in the Declaration as in pleading he hath alledged. (p 162) It is there fore considered by the Court that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill, but for his false claims in lee in mercy &. and that the Defendant go hence without day, and recover against the plaintiff his cost by him about his defence in this behalf expended.-

September 6, 1813
(p 177) Proclamation being made the Sheriff of White County, there upon returned the venire facias to him directed Towit: Thomas Meek, Isaac Plumlee, Jacob Anderson, John Scoggon, William Rotton, Thomas Wilson, Isham Bradly, John E. Conn, William Cook, Robert Bates, Thomas Sherly, Elijah England, William Williams, Joseph Thomas, John Crook Snr. William Anderson, Robert Pucket, John Bull, William J. Smith, Michael Kizor, James Bounds, Absalom Norris, Charles Isham, Jesse England, Jonathan Dilldine and James Randals as Jurors, and John C. Hall and Daniel M. Parkerson, Constable, Executed Isaac Taylor Jnr. Sheriff.

January 21, 1814
(p 346) Ordered by Court that Benjamin Lewis, Isham Bradley, Marshal Duncan, Abraham Broyls, John Yoakum, William Griffith, John Yockman, John Ogle, William Lewis, John Hawkins, John Watson, James Knowles, John Townsend, Abel Hutson, Thomas Gist, Henry Lyda, Joseph Crabb, Frederick Miller, Andrew Smith, Charles Smith, Jesse Babb, Jesse Dodson, William Gracy, Jonathan C. Davies, David Thompson, Andrew Gamble & Thomas Lawson as Jurors & John Dale & Ephraim Shockley as constables & to attend next Court ordered by Court that Charles Bowen, Thomas Branson, John England, Thomas Wilson, James Anderson Sr. Wm. Daniel ,John Dodson, Thomas Barnes, William J. Smith, John James, John Ellison, William Crain, Smith Hutchings, Jesse Conway., John Crook, Sr. William R. Cole, Andrew McBride, Benjn. Weaver, John L. Glenn, John Hawkins, Joseph Cummings, Joshua Leonard, Joseph Smith, Alexander Cook, Joseph Franks & Isaac Midkiff as Jurors & Isaac McGans & Elisha Swift & Pleasant C. Farley as constables to attend the next Circuit Court &.&.--

July 20, 1814
(p 444) State        ) For Breach of the peace
          vs Issd.   )
        Wade Goolsby ) Thomas Gaw Prosecutor
This day came the Defendant with John Crook Snr. and William Harper, and acknowledged themselves indebted to the State the sum of $1,000: Towit: the said Defendant in the sum of $500, the said John Crook Snr. and William Harper, in the sum of $250 each, to be levied of their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of the State, void on condition., that the said Wade Goolsby shall well and truly keeps the peace towards Thomas Gaw a citison of this State, for and during the full space and term of twelve months and one day from the date here of, there shall this recognizance be void, otherwise, (P 445) be and remain in full force and virtue. Where upon John Crook Snr. agrees that he will be responsible for the cost in this cause, and agrees that a writ of fierifacias may issue against him with the said Defendant. It is therefore considered by the Court, that the State of Tennessee recover against the Defendant together with the said John Crook Snr. all cost in this behalf expended, and there upon it is ordered by the Court that the clerk issue a writ of fierifacias against the said John Crook Snr. with the said Defendant and that execution there of be delayed until next term of this Court.

(p 448) State        )
          vs Issd.   ) Indt: for passing Counterfeit
        George Seely ) money &c. Peter Crum Prosecutor
This day came the as well Adam Huntsman Esqr. Solicitor for the County of White as the Defendant by his attornies and the Defendant being arraigned and charged upon the bill of indictment, pleaded not guilty there to, and for his trial put himself upon the County where upon came a Jury of good and lawful men Towit: Stephen Wallace Elijah Saunders, William West, Joseph Derham, William Stamps, James Townsend, William White, Isaac Collins John Crook Snr. Joseph Neally, William Mills and Sharps Whittey, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to Speak upon the issue of traverse joined, upon their oaths do say, that the Defendant is not guilty in manner and form as charged in the Bill of Indictment, as in pleading he hath alledged.- It is there fore considered by the Court that the defendant go hence, and that he pay the allegations contained in the bill of Indictment be acquitted and forever discharged. Where upon the Solicitor of the County of White, moved the Court to tax the Defendant with the cost of this prosecution and after solemn argeement had there upon. It is considered that the rule be made absolute, (p 449) and that the State of Tennessee recover against the Defendant the cost of this prosecution and the Defendant in mercy &c. Where upon the Defendant prayed for and obtained a writ of error to recover said cause to the next honorable Circuit Court for the County of White &c.

July 23, 1814
(p 464) Ordered by Court that Jacob Hyder, John Whitacoe, Abner Norris, Isaac Bullard George Long, Joseph Neely, William Hays, (p 465) William Pigg, Stephn Palmer, William Hill, John Crook, Archibald Elliot, James McCann, Jonathan Ward, Moses Davis, Joseph Walling, Morgan Bryan, William Mooney, Hartwell Wilson, William C. Brightwell, Bluford Warren, Joel Bradshaw Snr. Isaac Cates, Isaac Prewet, Jesse Brewer, Thomas Walling be summoned to attend the next term of this Court, as Jurors, and John Glesson and Dennis Duff as Constable to attend there on &c.


October 17, 1814
(p 1) Proclamation being made the Sheriff returns the Venire facias to him directed Towit- Jacob Hyder, John Whiteore, Abner Norris, Isaac Bullard, George Long, Floyd Huly, William Pigg, Stephen Palmer, William Hill, John Crook, Archibald Elliot, John McClane, Johnathan Ward, Moses Davis, Joseph Walling, Morgan Bryan, William Mooney, Hartwell Wilson, William C. Brightwell, Bluford Warren, Joel Broadshaw, Jr. Isaac Carter, Isaac Prewett, Jesse Brewer, Thomas Walling, "Executor" 1c. lc.

April 7, 1815
(p 84) This day the death of John Kirby Goalsby was suggested when upon came John Crook into open Court and undertook the administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits and credits of the Decendant and took the oath of an administrator and with William Hitchcock and Thomas Bounds entered into bond in the sum of Four thousand dollars conditioned as the law requires

October 19, 1815
(p 209) Ordered that the following persons be appointed as Jurors to attend the next County Court Towit: Carter Mills, John Crook Jr. John Knowles, Sr. Carson Swindle, Moses Goddard, Samuel Medley, John Stown, Zachariah Jones, Nathan Pigg, Henry Lane, Moses Lynville, Alexander Lowery, Arnold Vandever, Joseph Fox, William Medkiff, Benjamin Weaver, William Harges, Jemes Harges, James Robertson, Russel Johns, Robert B. Glenn, Smith Hutchings, John J. Smith, John Trapp, James Young, Thomas Barnes, and James Carr, and Thomas Shirley, as Constable to attend upon them.

July 15, 1816
(p 348) John Crook Admr. of the estate of John Goosby Decd. this day returned upon oath an account of the proceeds of the sale of the property of the Dec. which was ordered to
be recorded.

October 21, 1816
(p 387) The Sheriff of White County therefore returned the Writ of Csirifacias to him declared Towit: Alexander Frasher, Benjiman Lewis, Alexander C. Robinson, Herman Johnston, Thomas Carter, John McEwen, John Halterman, James Welch, Isaac Welch, Richard Medley, John E. Conn, Reuben P. Sanders, William Bohannon, Joseph Hutchings, Jacob Yount, Solomon Cox, John Crook Jr. Foosehe Garner, Jacob Stype, Isaac Plumley, Isaac Brown, William Hawkins, Fredrick Weston, Jurors and William Ray & Elisha Swift Constables to attend there on "Executed" &c.

January 20, 1817
(p 443) This day John Crook Adm. of the estate of John Kirby Goolsby returned there into Court upon oath an Inventory of the estate of the Decd. It is therefore considered by the Court that the inventory this day returned be recorded in time of the Inventory formerly returned &c.

(p 443) This day John Crook Admr. of the estate of John Kirby Goolsby returned into Court upon the oath an additional account current of the proceeds of the sale of the property of the Decd. which was ordered to be recorded.

January 21, 1817
(p 449) Richard Lynville )
          vs. Issd       ) Case.
        John Crook Admr. )
On motion of the plaintiff by his attorney is awarded him to examine and take the depositions of Worly Lynville in the County of Madison and the Mississippi Territory intended to be read as evidence in the trial of the above cause giving the opposite party twenty days notice of the time and place of executing the same.

April 21, 1817
(p 504) The Sheriff of White County where upon returned the Writ of Venirefacias to him directed Towit: John Crook Senr, Reuben Perkins, John Lollar, Thomas Stone, James McClarn Fredrick Miller, Jacob Milton, James David, John M. Little, Morgon Dewese, Thomas Kitchesides Samuel Weaver, Cornelias Broyles, William Craytree, Lewis Bohannon, George Suggs, Jess Dodson, Jess Parker, Joseph Capher, Boaz Still, Andrew Dearing, James McClarn, Alexander Baker, Jacob Catron, Nathaniel Cooper and Samuel Dewese Executed &c.

(p 505) James Davis forman, John Crook Senr. Morgan Dewese, James McClarn, John Lollar, Reuben Perkins, George Suggs, Austin Deering, Jess Parker, Boaz Still, Cornelius Broyles, Samuel Weaver, and John M. Little, was sworn a Jury of inquest for the County of White and having received their charge returned to consult of presentments and Indictments &c.


July 21, 1817
(p 8) Ordered by court the following persons be appointed to hold the next stated election for a number to Congress Governor of the State and members to the General assembly at the following place to wit, at Sparta Messrs, Elijah Chisums. Senr., David Mitchell and William Patton at James Cole's, John Crooks Senr., William R. Coles & Jacob Robertson at Jno. McElhaineys, Spence Mitchells, William Dearing and Charles Bowen all on the first Thursday and suceeding day in August next.

July 24, 1817
(p 26) State          ) Indt. Gaining
         vs           ) William B. Neville Prosecutor
       Robert Puckett )
This day came the solicitor for the County of White as the Defendant by his attorney, who being arraigned and charged upon the bill of Indictment pleaded "not Guilty" thereto, and for his trial put himself upon the country whereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men To Wit: Samuel Weaver, David English, Peter Nuckolds. Amos Riley, John Massa, James Bounds, Elijah Lewis, John Watson, William Mills, Robert E. Lowry, Joel Alexander (p 27) and John Crook, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue of traverse joined upon him in the bill of Indictment as in pleading he hath alledged. It is therefore considered by the court that the Defendant from the allegations contained in the bill of Indictments be released and forever discharged, and that the Defendant go hence without day and recover against the County of White all cost in this behalf expended &c. and that the clerk issue certificate to the county treasurer &c.

July 26, 1817
(p 51) John Crook   )
         To - issue ) Deed
       Jane Goolsby )
Deed conveyance 50 acres land was this day acknowledged in open court by John Crook, for the purposes and things therein mentioned, and ordered to be recorded - let it be registered.

October 24, 1817
(p 82) Richard Lynville           )
         vs - Issd                ) Trespass
       John Crook Administrator   )
       of John Kirby Goldeby Decd )
By consent of the parties a commission is awarded the plaintiff to examine and take the depositions of Joseph Hutchings Tennessee to be executed at the house of Reubin Ragland Esqr. on Monday the 27th Instant, intended to be read as evidence and place of executing the same.

October 24, 1817
(p 84) State           )
         vs - issd     ) On a Writ of Scerifaceas
       William Tillman )
This day came the Solicitor for the County of White as well as the Defendant by his attorney and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men To Wit: Micajah Simmeons, William Kirby, Thomas Townsend, James Davis, Joseph Neville, Revia Jarvis, Thomas Crawley, William May, Josiah Hughes, Thomas Williams, John Crook Sen., and William Matlock, who being elected tried and sworn well and truly to enquire whether the Defendant was known and called by the name of William Moore Tilman or whether he was called and known by the name William Tilman set forth and expresses in the Writ of Scerifacias in this cause, upon their oaths do say that the Defendant is called and known by the name of William Moore Tilman as in pleading he hath alledged and is not named William Tillman as represented in said Writ of Scerifacias. It is therefore considered by the court that the Defendant from the forfeiture set forth in the Writ of Scerifacias in this cause be released and forever discharged, and that he go hence without day and recover against the County all cost in this behalf expended &c and thereupon it is ordered that certificates issue to the treasurer &c.

January 19, 1818
(p 106) John Crook  )
          vs - Issd ) Debt Appeal
        James Cole  )
This day cam the Defendant into court in his proper person and declared he could not gain say the plaintiffs action and thereupon confessed Judgment for the sum of six dollars, the debt in the original warrant in this cause mentioned and agrees that the plaintiff hath sustained damages by occasion of the detention thereof to forty-two cents, besides cost - it is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant the debt aforesaid together with the damages aforesaid in manner and form. Agreed upon as aforesaid together with his cost by him about his suit by him in the behalf expended assumed as aforesaid, and the said Defendant may be immursed, etc.

January 19, 1818
(p 116) Ordered by Court that the following persons be appointed as Jurors to the next Circuit Court, To Wit: Charles Miller, William Gist, Jr. Pleasant Waller, Thomas Bounds, Samuel Brown, Robert F. Cooke, John Walling, John Bryant, Joel Bradshaw, Sun. Pleasant Farley, William Williams, Thomas Williams, Joseph Crownover, William H. Harges, Lewis Bohannon, Simon Doyle, William Rotton, William Dodson, William Pratt, Ephriam Shockley, Moses Lynville, Jacob Robertson, Andrew Townsend, Edward Gleeson, Andrew Gamble, Jonathan Dilldine, and that Nathaniel Evans and William J. Bennett be appointed as constables to attend, thereupon (p 117) ordered by Court that John Crook, Jr. Jacob Miller, John Sullivan, Joseph Townsend, James Isham, Jacob Miller, Charles Miller, William Gist Jr., Mark Lowery, Andrew McBride, Thomas Broyles, Cornelias Broyles, James Dilldine, Sherod Horn, William Stamps, James Scarbrough, Charles Hunter, Jr., Elijah Boliamon, John Porter, Stephen Crain, Baxter Baker, Andrew Bryan, Simon Morris, John Madly, Robert Anderson, Elijah Hill, be appointed as Jurors and Nathaniel Evans and Henry Barton constables to attend thereon at the next County Court.

January 20, 1818
(p 143) The Sheriff of White County thereupon returned the Venirefacias to him directed To Wit: John Crook, John Miller, John Sullivan, James Townsend James Isham, Jacob Miller, Charles Miller, William Gist Jr., Mark Lowery, Andrew McBride, Thomas Broyles, Cornelius Broyles, James Dilldine, Sherod Horne, William Stamps, James Scarbrough, Charles Hunter Jr., Elijah Bohannon, John Porter, Stephen Crain, Baxter Baker, Andrew Bryan, Simon Norris, John Medley Jr., Robert Anderson & Elijah Hill Jurors Nathl. Evans & Henry Burton Coms. Executed &c.

January 20, 1818
(p 208) John Crook Admr. )
          vs             ) Trespass
        Richard Lynville )
By consent of the parties the above cause is continued until the next term of this court.

October 21, 1818
(p 255) Richard Lynville     )
          vs - Issd          ) Assumpsit
        John Crook Sen. Adm. )
        of John K. Goolsby   )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit: Sebern Ray, James Anderson, Samuel Duncan, Samuel Lacy, Thomas Robertson, John Dodson, John Graham, John Nevill, James White, James Lindsey, James H. Carr, and John Sullivan who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issues joined upon their oaths do say that the defendant did assume and take upon himself in manner and form as the plaintiff in the third count in his declaration against him hath complained and the jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do further say that that defendant is entitled to no set off against the Plaintiffs action as in replying to the third plea of the defendant he hath alledged and the Jurors aforesaid upon their aforesaid do further say that the defendant did assume and take upon himself in manner and form as the plaintiff against him hath complained within two years next before the suing out upon their oath aforesaid do further say that the defendant hath not fully administrated on all and singular the goods and chattels of John K. Goolsby Deceased which hath come (p 256) "Wednesday October 21st" to his possession as the plaintiff in his replication hath alledged and they do assess the plaintiffs damages by occasion of the non performance of those assumpsions to seventy Dollars besides costs. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendant the sum of seventy dollars damages aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid assessed together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c.

October 22, 1818
(p 270) Jerry Black  )
          vs         )
        William Crim )
By mutual consent of the parties in the above cause all matters in difference therein between them is referred to the determination of Messers. William Price, David Noblett, Isaac Spiva, James Cole, Howard Cash, John Richardson, John Crook Senr., Jesse Conaway, James Ellison, Joseph Ellison, John Campbell and Michael Wilson whose award thereupon or the award of any eight of them is to be final between the parties and it is to be made the Judgment of this court at the next term.

October 23, 1818
(p 271) John Harbert Assee )
          vs - Issd        ) Covenant
        Thomas Taylor      )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wits. Sebern Ray, Joseph Nevill, John Dodson, Lindsey Brown, William Ussery, William Gist, David Davis, Bartlett Simpson, John Nace, Juble B. Hancock, John Crook and Pleasant Waller, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue Joined upon their oaths do say that the defendant hath not well and truly kept and performed his covenant with the plaintiff but hath broken the same in manner(p 272) and form as the plaintiff against him hath complained and do assess the plaintiff damages by occasion thereof to one hundred and seventy eight dollars and seventy five cents besides costs. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendant the damages aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid assessed, together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended, and the defendant in mercy &c.

(p 271) John Harbert Assee )
          vs - Issd        ) Covenant
        Thomas Taylor      )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men towit: Sebern Roy, Joseph Nevill, John Dodson, Lindsey Brown, William Ussery, William Gist, David Davis, Bartlett Simpson, John Nace, Juble B. Hancock, John Crook and Pleasant Waller who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the Issue joined upon their oaths do say that the defendant hath not well and truly kept and performed his covenant with the plaintiff, but that he hath broken the same in manner and form as the plaintiff in replying hath alledged, and they assess the plaintiffs damages by occasion thereof to three hundred and thirty dollars besides costs. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendant his damages aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid assessed, together with his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c.

(p 271) Richard Moore Admr. and Mary Harris )
        Admr. of Thomas K. Farris Deceased  ) Debt Appeal
          vs - Issd                         )
        James Anderson                      )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men towit: Sebern Ray, Joseph Nevill, John Dodson, Lindsey Brown, William Ussery, William Gist, David Davis, Bartlett Simpson, John Nace, Juble B. Hancock, John Crook, and Pleasant Waller, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the premises upon their oaths do say that the defendant oweth unto the plaintiff's administration of Thomas K. Harris Decd. the sum of forty dollars the debt in the original warrant mentioned, and that the plaintiff hath sustained damages by occasion of the detention thereof to twenty one dollars, fifteen cents, besides costs. It is therefore considered by the court on motion of the plaintiffs by their attorney that they recover against the defendant and William J. Smith his security by (p 273) the debt aforesaid together with the damages aforesaid manner and form aforesaid assessed, also their costs by then, about their suit in this behalf expended, and the defendant in mercy &c.

(p 271) State          ) Indictment for an affray on
          vs - Issd    ) presentment of Grand Jury.
        William Ussery )
This day came Thomas J. Campbell Solicitor General for White County as well as the defendant in his proper person who being arraigned and charged upon the Bill of Indictment pleaded not guilty thereto and for his trial put himself upon the Country, whereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit; Sebern Ray, Joseph Nevill, John Dodson, Lindsey Brown, William Gist, David Davis, Bartlett Simpson, John Wall, Juble B. Hancock, John Crook, Pleasant Waller and John Miller who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue of traverse joined upon their oaths do say that the defendant is guilty in manner and form as charged upon him in the bill of Indictment. Therefore it is considered by the court that for such his offence he make his fine by the payment of eight dollars, besides the costs of this prosecution, and the defendant may be taken, whereupon the defendant is prayed in custody of the sheriff there to remain untill he pay the fine and costs aforesaid or give security for the same, and thereupon came Thomas Ussery in his proper person into open court and acknowledged himself the above defendants security and agreed that execution might issue against his estate Jointly with the defendant for the same.

October 23, 1818
(p 277) Richard Lynville         )
          vs - Issd              ) Asst.
        John Crook Sen., Admr.   )
        of John K. Goolsby Decd. )
This day came the defendant by his attorney and prayed for and obtained an appeal to the next Circuit Court for the County of White from the Judgment of this court in the above cause at the present term, and filed his reasons therefore which were ordered to be enrolled and made part of the record in this cause, and thereupon for the faithful prosecution of the same entered into and acknowledged bond with Thomas Taylor security in the sum of five hundred dollars conditioned as the law requires.

(p 278) John Crook Sen. Admr. )
          vs                  ) Case
        Richard Lynville      )
On motion of the plaintiff by his attorney a commission is awarded to him to examine and take the deposition of William Harper Tennessee before any two acting Justices of the peace for the County of Jackson in the State of Tennessee giving the deposite party ten days notice of the time and place of taking the same intended to be read in evidence of the above cause.

January 18, 1819
(p 291) John. Crook Senr. )
          To - Issd       ) Deed
        John Crook Junr.  )
Deed of conveyance for 84 acres of land was this day acknowledged in open court by John Crook, Senr. for the purposes and things therein mentioned, and ordered to be recorded, let it be Registered.

January 20, 1819
(p 309) Silas Harris   )
          vs           ) Case
        Shadrack Price )
This day came John Crook Senr., and William Midkiff Into open court and severally undertook for the defendant that in case he should be cast in the above cause that he shall pay & satisfy the same or surrender his body to prison in execution for the same, or that they the said John Crook Senr., and William Metcalf will do so for him.

January 20, 1819
(p 312) John Crook Senr. Admr.   )
        of John K. Goolsby Decd. ) Assumpsit
          vs                     )
        Richard Lynville         )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men ToWit: William Metcalf, Archibald H. Napier, Jobn Chisum, James Randals. Britain Johnston, John Bailey, James Cole, Samuel Weaver, James Hill, Elijah Hill, John Mooneyham, and John Mills, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the Issue Joined.

January 22, 1819
(p 320) This day Thomas Taylor Esqr. Sheriff of White County undertook the collection of the State Taxes, In the County of White for the year 1819, and together with Joseph Franks, James Cole, Jesse Conway, and John Crook Senr. entered Into and acknowledged bond in the sum of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law requires.

(p 320) This day Thomas Taylor Esqr, Sheriff of White County undertook the collection of the County Taxes poor taxes and Jurors Taxes in the County of White for the year 1819, and together with, Joseph Franks, James Cole, Jesse Conway and John Crook Senr. entered Into and acknowledged bond in the sum of Two thousand dollars conditioned as the law requires.

(p 323) John - Crook Senr. Admr. ) Assumpsit
          vs                     )
        Richard Lynville         )
This day came the parties by their, attornies and thereupon the Jurors heretofore sworn in this cause again returned into court and declared that they could not agree in their verdict therefore by consent of the parties, and with, the ascent of the court Samuel Weaver one of the Jurors sworn this cause is withdrawn and the rest of the Jurors from rendering their verdict are discharged, and this cause continued to the next term of this court.

January 23, 1819
(p 333) John Crook Admr. )
          vs - Issd      ) Asst
        Richard Lynville )
On motion of the defendant a commission is awarded him to examine and take the deposition of Martin Looney before any two acting Justices of the peace in Limestone County Alabama Territory intended to be read as evidence on the trial of the above cause giving the oposite party twenty days notice of the tine and place of executing the same.

April 20, 1819
(p 348) Silas Harris   )
          vs           ) Case
        Shadrick Price )
This day came John Crook Senr., and William Metcalf who were Security for the appearance of the Defendant in the above cause and delivered their principal into open court in discharge of themselves, and they from their undertaking and recognizance in this behalf are acquitted and forever discharged and the defendant prayed in custody of the sheriff &c.

(p 348) Thomas Taylor, & James Taylor Exr. )
        of Thomas Taylor Decd.             ) On Probate Will Motion
          vs                               )
        Thomas Taylors heirs               )
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit: William Shuster, Joseph Medley, William Brown, John Crook, Auseln Bradley, Benjamin Harris, Barton Roberta, Moseby Webb, William Dodson, Jams Jarrell, Isaac Coulson and Jacob Anderson, who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issues of fact submitted in this case.

April 23, 1819
(p 362) John Crook Senr., Admr. )
          vs                    ) Assumpsit
        Richard Linville        )
On affidavit of the plaintiff in the above cause it is ordered that the some be continued untill the next term of this court.

(p 363) John Crook Senr., Admr. )
          vs                    ) Assumpsit
        Richard Linville        )
On motion of the Defendant by his attorney a commission in awarded him to examine and take the deposition of Martin Looney a citizen of Lauderdale County in Alabama Teritory, before any two acting Justices of the peace for said County, giving the oposite party thirty days notice of the time and place of taking the same to be read in evidence in the above cause in behalf of the Defendant.

October 19, 1819
(p 18) John Crook Admr. )
         vs             ) Asst
       Richard Lynville )
By consent of the securities and with the assent of the Court the trial this cause is postponed tile the afternoon of the present day.

(p 25) John Crook Snr Admr        )
       of John Kirby Goolsby Decd ) Asst
         vs                       )
       Richard Lynville           )
This day came the parties by their attorneys and there upon came a Jury of good & lawful men towit, William Marlow, Nathanial Charles, Sampson Cash, Daniel Brown, John Williams, Marshall Duncan, James M. Miller, Howard Cash, James W. Halcom, Mark Lowrey, James Farrell and Walker Harrison who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue found.

(p 26) John Crook Snr Admr.       )
       by John Kirby Goolsby Decd ) Asst
         vs                       )
       Richard Lynville           )
This day by consent of the parties and with the assent of the Court, James W. Halcom one of the Jurors sworn in the above cause from Giving a verdict in the above cause is acquitted and forever discharged and with the assent of the parties William Graham was sworn a Juror in his room and Stead in the above cause.

(p 25) John Crook Snr Admr.       )
       of John Kirby Goolsby Decd ) Asst
         vs Issd                  )
       Richard Lynville           )
This day came the parties by their attornies and there upon came the Jury who were sworn at the present term of this Court to speak the truth upon the issue joined between the parties upon their oath do say that the Defendant did not assume and take upon him self in manner and form, as the plaintiff against him hath complained as in pleading he hath alledged. there fore it considered by the Court that the Defendant go hence with out day and recover against the plaintiff his cost by him about his defence in this behalf expended. from which Judgement the plaintiff prayed for and obtained an appeal to the honorable Circuit Court to be holden for the County of White at the Court house in Sparta on the first Monday in March next and filed his reasons there fore which was enrolled and ordered to be made a part of the record in this causes and for the faithful prosecution of his said appeal entered Into and acknowledged bond with Anthony Dibrell and William H. Campbell in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned as the law requires.

October 20, 1820
(p 57) Eli Sims Trustee        )
         vs                    ) Motion for Judgement for County Monies
       Thomas Taylor ex Sheff. )
This day cam Henry Burton Constable here into open Court and being first duely sworn to speak the truth, upon his Oath doth say that be delivered copies of a Notice (of which be produced Original here in Open Court) agreeably to the dates endorsed on said Notice, to the following persons To wit, To Thomas Taylor, To John Crook, To James Cole, To Jesse Conway and Joseph Franks Esqr. come here in open Court and acknowledged a legal notice of this motion, Thomas Taylor being present, is called on to produce his claims against the County of White for which be ought to be entitled to a Credit and this motion continued untill tomorrow.

October 21, 1820
(p 63) Eli Sims Esqr.                     )
       Trustee of White County            )
         vs                               )
       Thomas Taylor Sheff.               ) Motion
       and Collector of White County      )
       and Joseph Franks, James Cole      )
       Jesse Connway and John Crook Senr. )
       his Securities.                    )
This day came Eli Sims Esqr Trustee for the county of White by his Attorney James Rogers Esqr. as well as the Defendant by his Attorney, and after solemn argument on the Plaintiffs motion entered at the present term of this court, for the Defendant to show cause if any he bad or could, why Judgment should not be rendered against him and his securities for the amount of the County tax, poor tax, and Jury tax by him collected in said county of White, for the year 1819 agreeably to a notice heretofore served on him; and on his securities, which notice was duly prove to have been delivered within the time prescribed by law, whereupon it seems to the court upon the whole matter, that the notice was sufficient and that the taxes aforesaid are due, and remain unpaid, it is therefore so residered by the court that the plaintiff Eli Sims Esqr. Trustee for the county of White, recover for the use of said against the said Thomas Taylor Sheriff and collected as aforesaid and his securities, the sum of nine hundred and fifty nine dollars and fifty cents, subject nevertheless to a Credit, when made manifest by John Taylor D. F. so that the same does not exceed Twenty six dollars, together with the costs of his motion in this behalf expended.

January 15, 1821
(p 77) Ordered that Daniel Campbell, Thomas Duff, John T. Williams, Jams Welsh, Thomas Burgis, William Cameron, Jams Richardson, William P. Rhea, Sebert Rhea, George Welsh, Wade Goolsby, William Mills, John Crook, senr., and John Crook Jur., be assigned to work under John Loller an Overseer of the road from the fork West of falling water to the Jackson County line East of Cane Creek, and that he keep the same in repair, as the law requires. Issd.

October 15, 1821
(p 314) Ordered by Court that the bounds in which the following persons reside be assigned as the district to the road leading from Harty's Cabins to R. Raglands, of which Shadrack Price is Overseer Towit: Ben Harris sr., Wm. Miles, Nicholas Nanny, Thos. Lovelady, John Crook, Jr., Jno. Crook, Jno. Terry, John Ramsey, Jesse Ramsey, Jesse Conway, Saml. Gay, Jesse England, Saml. Brown, Jno. Miles, David Greer, Lewis Phares, Phlip Betheas, James Ramsey, Peter Billings, Robert B. Perkins, Chs. Isham, Jno. Manor, Robt. Denny, Ephraim Perkins, Wm. Billings, Wm. Daniel, Jno. Patricks, Thos. Sailors, Jno. Billings, Matthew England.

October 14, 1822
(p 519) Ordered by Court that John Mills be appointed overseer of the road leading from Harty's cabins to Reuben Raglands and keep the same in repair as the law requires, and that the bounds in which the following hands reside be assigned to work thereon, towit: Benjn Barris, William Mills, Nicholas Nancy, Thomas Lovelady, Samuel Brown, James Mills, John Crook, Jnr., John Crook, senr., John Terry, John Ramsey, Jesse Conway, Samuel Guy, Jesse England, David Greer, Lewis Pharis, Philip Bearthea, James Ramsey, William Billings, William Daniel, John Patrick, Thos. Sailers, John Billings, & Matthias England. Issd.

(p 521) This day John Crook administrator of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned on oath into open court and Inventory of the Estate of John K. Goolsby, Decd. which is ordered to be recorded nunc pro tunc.

(p 521) This day John Crook Admr. of the estate of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned into open court, on oath an additional account current of the Estate of the Decd. which was ordered to be recorded nunc pro tunc

(p 542) State         ) Indt. for hindering the
          vs          ) executing of legal process.
        Richard Brown ) Dudley Hunter Pros.
This Day came the Defendant into open court with John Crook senr. and Abraham Haley, who acknowledged themselves indebted to the State of Tennessee, in the sum of $1000. towit the Defendant in the sum of $500. and the said John Crook senr. and Abraham Haley in the sum of 250 dollars each, to be levied of their respective estates, to the use of the State to be rendered, nevertheless, to be void an condition that the Defendant shall make his personal appearance here in court on the fourth day of the next term thereof, to be held on the third monday of January next, then and there to answer the State on the above charge and attend from day to day and not depart the court without leave first had & obtained.

(p 543) Ordered by Court that Turner Lane, John Rose and Samuel Turney Esquires, be appointed to settle with John Crook administrator of John K. Goolsby Decd. and make report thereof to the next term of this court. Issd.

October 26, 1820
(p 575) Reuben Cassada             )
          vs                       ) Debt Motion
        Wm. Crim Const and         )
        John Crook and             )
        James Hill his Securities. )
The defendants John Crook Senr. and James Hill entered into bond with N. Haggard conditioned as the law requires for the prosecution of the writ of Error prayed in this cause &c.

January 20, 1823
(p 578) Ordered by court that John Crook, senr., Administrator of the estate of John K. Goolsby, Decd be allowed the sum of Two hundred dollars, for costs by him paid to Anthony Dibrell clerk of the Circuit, court for White County, in the suit Richard Linville against John Crook senr. Admr. of Jno. K. Goolsby, Decd.

(p 578) Ordered by court that John Crook, senr., Admr. of John K. Goolsby, Decd. be allowed the sum of Three hundred dollars for expences care and trouble by him about the administrator of the estate of the deceased, to be retained in his hands as administrator out of the estate of the Decd.

(p 578) This day Turner Lane, John Rose and Samuel Turney Esqrs. who were heretofore appointed commissioners to settle with John Crook senr. admr. of the estate of John K. Goolsby Decd. returned their report which was ordered to be recorded.

Last updated August 07, 1999
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