White County

Sparta, Tennessee

Tennessee State Library and Archives

Nashville, Tennessee

County Court Clerk's Office

Settlements and Wills

Volume A

1810 - 1828

Page 62

An account current of the proceeds of the sale of the sale of the personal property of John K. Goolsby Decd. returned upon oath by John Crook, Senr. Admr. at October Term 1816 of White County Court

     Bullard 1 Bell $    2 12½
Jno Crook, Jnr. l Steer 10.00   
Jno Crook Snr. 1 Bull 3.50   
Wade Goolsby 1 heifer 6.50   
John Crook Jrn One heifer 6.25   
Daniel Parkison 1 Steer 6.25   
Zackariah Hanks 1 cow and calf 11.00   
Dennis Duff 1 Cow 10.25   
George Parkison 1 Bull 4.75   
Elijah Ward bot. a parcel of cattle /c 57.00   
Jesse Tum 1 heifer 5.81½
David Yartin 2 heifers 9. -   
Elijah England 1 plough 2.37½
Joel Alexander 1 Barshear plough /c 12.25   
William Carr 1 Do Do 4.51   
Richard Neighbourn 1 plow hoe 2.25   
Levi Sweat 1 Cutting box 4.37½
Calvin Howell 1 Deer Skin 2.00   
John Crook, Senr. Halter chains 2.25   
Dabney Harris 1 Flax wheel      4.25   

       John, Crook, Admr.
Recorded January 17th 1817
Test. Jacob A. Lane, Clerk
White County Court

Page 66

An Inventory of the estate of John K. Goolsby Decd. returned into Court upon oath by John Crook Administrator at January Term 1817. At some term sum of the Court the said John Crook says and represents now that he had returned into Court an Inventory of the estate of said John K. Goolsby and now he is again by the Court permitted to return a record Inventory upon oath of said Estate Towit:

     To one note on Issiah Goolsby Towit: 3.00   
To one Do on William Wayor 228.96   
To one Do on Drury Goolsby 200.00   
To one Do on Isiah Goolsby 455.00   
To one Note on Thomas Crutcher for $166
Balance due 57.00   
To one note on Jno. Young 240.00   
To two notes on Bartlette Gentry for $10 cash 20.00   
To one note on Elijah Hitchcock for cash 6.50   
To one note on Jno Richardson and Thomas Duff 25.00   
To one note on David Martin and Caffry Martin 10.00   
Henson and Caldwell Dr. for Beef cattle 176.00   
Elijah Bullard To cattle     14.62½

        Jno. Crook, Admr.
Recorded and Examined April 14th 1817
Test Jacob A. Lane, Clerk
White County Court

Page 67

An additional acct. Inventory of the estate of John K. Goolsby Decd returned into Court at January Session 1817 of White County Court upon oath by John Crook, Admr. Towit:

     Barnoy Gentry One Cow $10.00   
John Mills One steer 5.00   
James Bounds One Wagon trough 2.25   
John Crook, Senr, One pair chains 2.25   
Jno. Crook Senr. One pocket Book 1.00   
Jno Crook Jnr, One Pistol 2.25   
Jno. Hash One Cow   10.25   



     John Crook, Admr.
Recd & Exc 14th April 1817
Test Jacob A. Lane, Clerk
White County Court.

Page 176

Inventory of the Estate of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned on oath by John Crook, admr. at October term 1822 and ordered by the court to be recorded nunc pro tunc
Two negro Girls, one named Vise and the other named Triphena, 2 horse cretures, 14 yearlings, a quantity of corn, 1 flax wheel, 4 ploughs, 2 pair chains, 2 hoes, 2 raw hides, Cutting box and Knifes, 3 pair horse shoes, One note on Thos. Williams for 50 weight Salt petre, 1 note on Jno. Young for $240. with credit of $64. thereon 1 note on John Stenson for $6. 1 note on B. Gentry for $60 with a credit of $50 thereon, 1 note on Elijah Hitchcock for $7.50, 1 note on Jno. Hutching for $10, 1 note on Jno. Hutchings for $11.50, I note on William Bullard $4.50, 1 note on Isaiah Goolsby for $3.50, One note on Do Do $455.00, 1 note Do Do receipt for collection $200. 1 Do Do Do for $248.96, 1 note on Thos. Crutcher for $166. bal due $57. 1 note on Elijah Hitchcock $6.50, 1 note on John Richardson & Thomas Duff $25. 1 note on David & Caffrey Martin $10. Henson & Caldwell, Drs. for Beef Cattle $176. Elijah Bullard to cattle $14.62½.

Jno.    X    Crook, Senr. Admr.

Recorded and Examined 12th April 1823
Jacob A. Lane, clk.

Page 177

An additional account current of the sale of the property of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned into open court on oath by John Crook, admr. at October Term 1822 and ordered to be recorded nunc pro tunc

     James Gentry, 1 Deer Skin

$    0.75   

John Crook, Senr. Halter chains 2.25   
Nathan Riley 1 hoe 1.06¼
Wade Goolsby 1 hoe .81¼
Hardin Vickers 1 Saddle & Bridle 14.12½
Peter Goolsby 1 pair cards 1.62½
Hardin Vickers 1 Blanket 3.25   
Jno. Crook, Senr. 1 waggon 95.00   
Jno. Crim 1 pair stretchers 4.18¾
Jno. Hutchings 2 pair chains 11.50   
Jno. Crook, Senr. 2 negro girls 780.00   
William Goolsby, 1 mair & colt 100.00   

Jno    X    Crook, ser. Admr.

Recorded and Examined 12th April 1823
Jacob A. Lane, clk.

Page 178

Report of comr. appointed to settle with John Crook, senr. administrator of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned at January term 1823

John Crook, Senr. Admr. John K. Goolsby Dr.

     To amot accot. current at Oct. 1816 166.69¾
To amot of accot ourrent,at Oct. 1822 1014.57¼
To amot of aocot current at Jany. 1817 33.00   
1 note on T. Williams 50 lbs. Petre aqd 6.25   

Page 179

continuation of Comrs. report of Settlement with Jno. Crook, Senr. admr. of Jno. K. Goolsby, Decd.

     1 note on John Young $240 credited by $64 $ 176.00   
1 note on Jno. Stenson 6.00   
1 note on B. Gentry for $60 credited by $50 bal 10.00   
1  do  on Elijah Hitchcock 7.50   
1  do  on John Hutchings 10.00   
1  do  on Jno. Hutchings 11.50   
1  do  on Wm. Bullard 4.50   
1  do  on Isaiah Goolsby, Jnr. 3.50   
1  do  on same 455.00   
1  do  on same receipt for collection 200.00   
1  do  on same receipt for collection 248.96   
1  do  on Thomas Crutcher for $166. Bal. due 57.00   
1  do  on Elijah Hitchcock 6.50   
1  do  on Jno. Richardson & Thos. Duff 25.00   
1  do  on David & Caffry Martin 10.00   
Hanson & Johnson Drs. for Beef Cattle 176.00   
Elijah Bullard To cattle     14.62½
Bal. due representation of Decd. 2010.45¾
subject to such deduction as are 632.14¾
referred to in report
By voucher A sundry payments 151.83¾
By voucher B. note to S. Turney 30.00   
By Rect. for making coffin C 5.00   
By note of curley Goolsby, Decd. to T Pounds D 10.00   
By rect. of Gentry Goolsby, one of the heirs of Decd. E 58.16½
By payment made to Jno. Hutchings F 10.00   
Amot notes & interest G 115.16½
By Rect. of Isaiah Goolsby, H 200.00   
By voucher on same Jnr. I 3.00   
By voucher on same, J 455.00   
By voucher of Jacob Yount, K 14.00   
By note of Goolsby & Jacob Yount, L 8.37½
By voucher of W. Harper, M .62½
By voucher N 50.00   
By rect. of Geo. W. Gibbs atto at Law, O 17.00   
By rect. of W. Bradford, P 35.75   
By notes of Admr. to J. Buck atto at law Q 5.00   
By voucher R 3.00   
By paying notes of Decd. W.W.R S 17.20   
By Rect. of J. A. Lane T 15.80   
By accot of Decd. to Jno. Crim, U 9.37½
     By do of Decd. to James Bounds V     13.62½

Amt. forwarded 

Page 180

continuation of comrs report of Settlement or amount brought up.

     By accot of Decd. to Wm. Crim W 1.25
By Do of Decd. to R. Ragland, X 0.75
By note of admr. to James Rucks Y 5
By acoot of Decd. to Jas. Goolsby Z 1
By accot. of Deed to B. Gentry A.1 3
By notes pd. by admr. to Wm. Mills B.1 100
By rect. of Isaiah Goolsby C.1 268.96
By Rect. of A. Dibrell per costs /c D.1 340.33
By do of same per same. E.1 36
By Rect. of Jno. Campbell F.1          6.25

State of Tennessee )
White County        ) We the undersigned

appointed by rule of Court of pleas and quarter session for the county aforesaid at October session 1822 commissioner to settle with John Crook, senr. admr. of John K. Goolsby, Decd. having examined the accounts returned by John Crook, Senr. Admr. find that the amount of said estate is two thousand six hundred and forty two dollars 60¼, cents, and that the said admr. has discovered the sum of two thousand and ten dollars 45¾ cents as appears from the vouchers produced by the said Crook, Admr. that there was no other evidence produced before us except such evidence as appeared upon the face of said vouchers that there is as appears from the representations of the said John Crook Senr. Admr. a credit to which he is entitled to the sum of seventy dollars with some other credits for which he has no documents now to prove the payment thereof, also the costs of a suit now depending in White circuit Court, and the Chancery side thereof, which suit is yet undetermined and is pending /c. therefore this report is left

        Turner Lane    (seal)
        John Rose       (seal)
        Saml. Turney   (seal)

Recorded & Examined 12th April 1823
Jacob A. Lane, clk.

Page 195

The Report of Comr. appointed to settle with John Crook, senr. admr. of John K. Goolsby, Decd. returned in open Court at April term 1824 of White County Court Towit.

State of Tennessee ) Pursuant to a
White County        ) commission to us directed

from the worshipful Court of White County at the January term of said Court in the year 1824, appointing us to settle with John Crook, Senr. Administrator of the John K. Goolsby, Decd. We thereupon met in Sparta on the 5th day of March 1824, and having examined the document laid before us by the said admr. Do Report as followith, Towit:

     The Balance in the hands of the admr. at the former
Settlement 632.14¾
From which sum make the following deductions amount of a)
Judgment and cost in a suit Linville vs Crook            429.66)
Amount of a note paid by Crook                               23.14) 452.80   
Amot of allowance made by court to
Jno. Crook, Admr. for trouble and expenses 300.00   
Over paid or due the admr. 126.65¼

We therefore report and say that the said estate of the aforesaid John K. Goolsby in the hands of the said admr. appears to be fully administered, and that there is due to the said John Crook, Senr. Admr. the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars and sixty five ¼ cents. Given under our hands and seals the day and year above

        Turner Lane (seal) commrs.
        John Rose    (seal)

Recorded and examined this 8th day of
October A.D. 1824.
Test Jacob A. Lane, clerk
White County Court.

Last updated August 07, 1999
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