White County

Sparta, Tennessee

Tennessee State Library and Archives

Nashville, Tennessee

County Court Clerk's Office

Settlements and Wills

Volume C

April 1841 - July 1851


Page 7

William Crook Deceased, Letters of Administration
            State of Tennessee, White County

Whereas on this 7th day of June A. D. 1841 the death of William Crook late of County of White deceased was suggested in open Court and that he departed this life intestate whereupon Allen Crook was appointed and qualified administrator.  These are therefore to authorize and empower the said Aministrator to enter into and upon all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and credits of the said deceased and them into his possession take wherever the same may be found in this State. And an Inventory to return into this Court within the time imposed by law and all the just debts of the deceased to pay so far as said Estate will extend or amount to. Witness Nicholas Oldham clerk of White county court at office the first Monday of June A. D. 1841.

Test. N. Oldham clerk
of White County Court

Recorded the 8th June 1841
            Test. N. Oldham clerk

Tennessee. County Court (White County)
Settlements and Wills, 1831-1893; Filmed by the State Library and Archives, 1967, Nashville, Tennessee; Microfilm of orginal records at the White County courthouse; includes indexes.
Family History Center Microfilm No. 0507899

Last updated August 07, 1999
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