The Bow of Taking

The Bow of Taking represents the true nature of The Dreaming. It is glamour infused, bright and colorful, and slightly sentient, with a personality completly of its own.

When this brightly colored bow is placed on the top of a boxed gift, the reciever must take the gift, even if she knows it contains something harmful. There have been several incidents over the years of assinations using this bow. Duchess Trasta, from the Kingdom of Pacifica, was killed in this manner.

The Bow isn't always used for devious purposes, however. Many heartbroken lovers have used it to give gifts to their angry sweethearts who otherwise would have refused to take them, repairing the damage caused by a fight.

Some people claim that they have enough will to resist this treasure. But more often than not, the eventually succomb, as the same gift can be rewrapped and given again.
{Storyteller's note: One temporary point of willpower may be spent to resist. The giver may attempt to give the gift again, if the present is rewrapped in a new package. If this is done, the reciever must spend another willpower, and so on.}

When the bow is given away, the giver can never get the bow back, unless it is given to him later, either as a gift, or attached to a gift.

The bow is completely indestructable. Any attempts to crush it, burn it, or cut it fail. Its desire to be given is also indestructable, for if someone throws the bow away, it will find its way back to a Kithain or someone with fae blood. Often, a Kithain will open their front door to find a brightly wrapped box with the bright bow atop it, and a nice gift inside. Once, a curious Pooka threw it away to see what would happen. He followed the garbage truck to the dump and watched the pile of rubish that it dumped. After nearly an hour, he saw the bow appear on the surface, and begin moving about in search of a clean box. When one was found, it somehow drug the box around with it in clear hunt for wrapping paper and a castaway gift. When this was done, he watched as it neatly wrapped the gift, placed itself on top, and floated the box through the air to a nearby Redcap's shack. The Redcap seemed elated with the gift, and the Pooka saw the bow passed from person to person for nearly a year before it left that city.

Take me to see the list of treasures again.

{I shall infuse this page with a little banality, by saying that all writings herein are Copyright(C)1996, by Becky Flesher. Changeling:The Dreaming and all words and refferences to it are copyright or trademarked or what ever to White Wolf Gaming Studios. Please, don't steal from either of us without permission!! Using this stuff for the benifit of personal gaming is fine, but copying it to other websites or copying it in any other way without getting the go-ahead from me first is inexcusable.}