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-- John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government, 1690 ![]() Protesting is Fun! -- Ronald Reagan More on each of these rallies can be found at www.loudcitizen.com. Kevin Conner (I believe from Florida) has done a great job in assembling information from all of these rallies into one place, as well as other useful information. He has also organized email lists for each of the locations so the people there, if they choose, can get together and organize. This was sort of the potential I saw for this site, but someone beat me to it, and did a better job :) The first rally on November 18th, 2000 in Richland, WA was a resounding success. I'm bad with estimates, but there were a couple hundred people there. Before the rally, people stood along the street waving signs, and earning a large number of supportive honks from passing cars. At 12:30, everyone gathered in the square of John Dam Park, across from the Federal Building. There were speeches given by prominent local figures and by ordinary angry citizens. The energy could be felt, and the cars driving by were still honking in support. You don't see too many conservatives protesting much of anything. Most of us have jobs and families and we tend to be quiet and reserved about our thoughts. We'd rather talk and mutter among ourselves, and hope that someday everything will straighten itself out. We've been the Silent Majority. The liberals have had the floor for far too long -- so long that it's almost too late. We are becoming the silent Minority. But we can still do something. We can become vocal. We can start shouting, and collectively, our shouts can be heard around the world, as the sound of American conservatism has been heard for two-hundred and twenty-five years. We need to be protesting. Why should the liberals have all the fun? Why should they have the only voice? Let's get out there, gather more people, let people hear about us, see us, join us. It isn't hard to make a few signs and wave them about for a few hours. As Ken Hamblin says, "Free Speech -- Use it or lose it." And it was fun. I think if we learned anything today, it was that we are not alone. I am not alone in my feelings that things are going to pot. And there are many more out there who feel the same who weren't there today. Many people didn't hear about the rally, because the local TV news wouldn't announce it. One person I know couldn't make it due to a conflicting schedule. We need to tell everyone we went to a rally, and when another one comes up, we need to invite people -- our family, our friends, our co-workers. If freedom of the press is limited to those who have a press, then freedom of speech is limited to those who speak. For those who were there, thank you. Let's do it again. Stay angry. Stay energized. Apathy is what is killing us. And apathy creeps in so easily. But we can make a difference. Keep fighting. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke (1729-1797) ![]() |