Bedlam Schmedlam

At first glance, the Bedlam Schmedlam is merely a 4 inch smooth red cone of an unknown substance. When touched, it feels almost too cold, colder than glass or marble. If one holds it, and has a high enough kenning (at least 3 dots), they can feel a little bit of banality comming from it. No glamour can be sensed from this object, and any use of kenning to discover its function will fail.

Despite the banality, this is a Treasure of great power. It allows the bearer to carry as many Treasures and Chimera as they like without falling into Bedlam. Sir Howell currently owns this Treasure, and claims that the Pied Piper had it before him, and kept from Bedlam for many centuries using this device.

Strange as it may seem, Bedlam Schmedlam uses banality just the same as most other Treasures use glamour. The Pied Piper claimed in his stories that it was created by a Mad Nocker who was a collector of Treasures, and wished to cure himself of his delusions. His theory was sound, but at the final moment of its creation, it produced such a spurt of banality, that the Nocker was killed instantly, and all glamour for five miles around vanished compeletly.

When a Kithain carries more than one Treasure or Chimera, there is a sort of "glamour overdose", to put it into modren terms. Bedlam occurs because of this "overdose", causing a Kithain become delusional, to see and hear things which aren't real or even a part of The Dreaming. Bedlam Schmedlam works by releasing a little bit of banality into its barer each day to balance the "glamour OD". Because of this, Bedlam Schmedlam should never be carried unless there are other Treasures or Chimera, or the banality will not be balanced with glamour. If none of the other Treasures are used in a day's time, it will also have this effect. The same goes for Chimera. If a Chimera in your possesion does not use any glamour powers while you carry Bedlam Schmedlam, you will become more banal.

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{Storyteller's note: If a PC carries Bedlam Schmedlam without any other treasures or chimera, they will receive one temporary point of banality daily. If a PC does carry other treasures, they must use at least one of the treasures daily, or they gain one temporary point of banality. If the PC carries chimera (in lue of or in addtion to), they must use a glamour expending power of the chimera (or the chimera must expend a point of glamour) or they will gain a temporary point of banality. If any chimera in the possesion of the barer are sentient, the chimera can also gain a temporary point of banality if it doesn't spend one glamour (this glamour can be spent for anything, as long as it's spent.)}

{I shall infuse this page with a little banality, by saying that all writings herein are Copyright(C)1996, by Becky Flesher. Changeling:The Dreaming and all words and refferences to it are copyright or trademarked or what ever to White Wolf Gaming Studios. Please, don't steal from either of us without permission!! Using this stuff for the benifit of personal gaming is fine, but copying it to other websites or copying it in any other way without getting the go-ahead from me first is inexcusable.}