Ryan's Archive


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Pictures from 2001

Ryan 2nd Birthday.jpg (341381 bytes)  Ryan's second birthday  12/27/00

scan0042.jpg (302362 bytes)  February--Disneyworld  scan0041.jpg (198336 bytes)

scan0040.jpg (256587 bytes)  April --Peter Cottontail Breakfast

Ryan at the beach.jpg (506159 bytes)  May--Seaside, Oregon


 Ryan Fixit.jpg (370576 bytes)  August--Mr. Fixit    scan0045.jpg (220787 bytes)

ryan motorbike.jpg (357763 bytes)  July --Ryan's new Ninja       ryan jeep.jpg (413562 bytes) 4th of July 

 ryan sandbox 6.jpg (653711 bytes) September-- dad built Ryan a new sandbox

Ryan Pumpkin.jpg (400352 bytes)  October --one pumpkin for Ryan and the little one is for Korey.  This is the local nursery, Ryan had the croup and was too sick to go to the pumpkin patch this year.

CD30002.jpg (100700 bytes)  November

scan0046.jpg (339656 bytes)  December under tree   scan0044.jpg (163261 bytes)  First snowfall

scan0006.jpg (216033 bytes)  Ryan with Grandpa Tucker Christmas Eve

scan0009.jpg (312172 bytes)  Christmas Morning 2001