V8 Conversion


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    In '96 I decided I had had enough of the steady oil leak of the solid 230 6 cylinder, so I started replacing it with a 327 small block V8 that I had bought in high school to use in my '66 Impala while I was rebuilding its motor.  I am writing this 5 years after the swap, so the costs are only the big ticket items.  Sorry about the picture, it includes the recent TPI setup only.  I took it recently, and I never got a picture of it with the carb.  I also don't have any before pictures.

    The motor was out of a '65 Impala, and was bored 30 over to clean it up.  The rebuild included balancing to increase the longevity of the motor.  The cam was a stock GM 300hp cam (presumably for a vette) that I had previously used in my brother's truck.  I bought it because it was the highest performance cam I could find for the 327, without sacrificing a smooth idle.  I used World Products heads, instead of the 461 castings that were stock in order to have hardened seats for use with unleaded gas.  I could have added hardened seats to the 461 castings, but that would have cost the same as the new World Products heads, and the new heads also reduced my compression ratio to a reasonable ~9.5:1 (10.25:1 was stock).  To top it off, I added a Holley 600 vacuum secondary Carb, and I used the combo for a year.

    The swap was very simple.  All components from the flywheel back were the same for the V8 as well as the straight 6, so there were no modifications necessary.  Even the 6 Cylinder motor mounts bolted up to the V8.  Basically very little extra components for the swap were necessary, and included only the exhaust system and a alternator bracket.  I also took the opportunity to install a crossflow radiator and recovery reservoir at the same time.  I went to a radiator shop and bought a recored one they had sitting on the shelf, and I don't know what it came out of.


Below is a cost list as best as I can remember.

Item                                                                          Price            Vendor



    Motor:    '65 Impala block, crank, etc.              $150            Private party

    Heads:    World Products                                  $668            Summit

    Distributor:    GM HEI                                           $91            Junkyard

    Fuel System:    Holley 650 w/ manifold            $150            Swap Meet

    Machine Work:    bore, balance, etc.               $550            Machine Shp

Wear Items

    Clutch:                                                                  $100            NAPA

    Motor Mounts                                                        $50            Al's Auto

    Antifreeze, Oil, etc                                            ~$101           Al's Auto

    Radiator Hoses                                                   $30             Al's Auto

    Radiator  (Crossflow)                                         $160            Rad Shop


    Exhaust manifolds                                                $50            Swap Meet

    Exhaust System                                                  $150           JC Whitney

    Alternator Bracket                                               NC              w/ manifolds


                                                Total                       $2250


Cam Specs:  (Crane PN 968711)

    rated at 300hp  (GM PN 3733431)

    Duration:    Intake 195 deg  Exhaust  202 deg

    Valve Lift:    Intake  0.390"  Exhaust 0.410"


Head Specs:

    Straight Plug

    Chamber Size    67cc

    Valves:    2.02" Intake, 1.60" Exhaust