PK Underbelt Curriculum

White Belt

Yellow Belt

  • 1st stripe - gold combinations* ,reverse side kick
  • 2nd stripe - Jayoo (means freedom)
  • 3rd stripe - blocking, countering, combinations
  • Technical Kick - 4 count round, 4 count side

Orange Belt

  • 1st stripe - 2 Chosang drills, hook kick, crescent kick
  • 2nd stripe - 2 Jungye drills, twist kick
  • 3rd stripe - sparring: free sparring, skipping/slipping, hook kick
  • Breaking - kick and hand

Green Belt

  • 1st stripe - green combinations*
  • 2nd stripe - Chosang (means Ancestor)
  • 3rd stripe - sparring: point sparring, fakes
  • Technical Kick - 6 count crescent

Purple Belt

  • 1st stripe - purple combinations*
  • 2nd stripe - Jungye (means Justice)
  • 3rd stripe - sparring, timing
  • Technical Kick - 6 count round

Blue Belt

  • 1st stripe - 3 Pyungwa drills, axe kick
  • 2nd stripe - 3 Exodus drills, jump side kicik, jump round kick
  • 3rd stripe - sparring: drawing, distancing, closing
  • Breaking - reverse kick, chop

Red Belt

  • 1st stripe - red combinations*
  • 2nd stripe - Pyungwa (means peace)
  • 3rd stripe - sparring: set ups
  • Technical Kick - 7 count hook-round-side

2nd Brown Belt

  • 1st stripe - creative combinations*
  • 2nd stripe - Exodus
  • 3rd stripe - sparring: continuous
  • Technical Kick - 9 front-round-side-hook

1st Brown Belt

  • preparation for black belt
*PK Underbelt Combinations/Techniques

Gold Belt

  1. Front Punch; Back Punch; Twist-awya Front Ridge Hand
  2. Front Punch, Front Front Kick; Back Punch
  3. Front Punch, Front Side Kick; Back Punch
  4. Front Punch, Front Round Kick; Back Ridge Hand
Orange Belt
  1. Hook Kick
  2. Crescent Kick - inside and outside
  3. Twist Kick
Green Belt
  1. Back Front Kick, Back Round Kick, Back Punch,
  2. Front Backfist, Back Punch, Back Round Kick, Reverse Side Kick, Back Ridge Hand
Purple Belt
  1. Front Inside Crescent, Back Punhc, Back Insdie Crescent, Reverse Backfist
  2. Front Outside Crescent, Back Inside Crescent, Reverse Crescent, Back Punch
  3. Back Round Kick, Reverse Crescent Kick 360, Back Twist Kick, Back Ridge hand
Blue Belt
  1. Axe Kick
  2. Jump Side Kick
  3. Jump Back Round Kick
Red Belt
  1. Front Jump/Step Side Kick, Reverse Hook Kick, Jump/Step Back Round Kick, Back Punch
  2. Switch step Front Axe Kick, Front Punch, Lunge Punch, Reverse Backfist, Skip Front Round Kick, Back Palm Strike
  3. Back Round Kick, Tornado Kick, Reverse Hook Kick, Back Ridge Hand
2nd Brown Belt
  1. 3 creative combinations

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Last updated March 23, 2008.

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