
Ivar's mug

E. Ivar Husa

Summary- I have a graduate level engineering education and am for the most part self-taught in present-day computer skills.

MS Materials Engineering RPI Logo Renssealaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY August 1980 Thesis "An Investigation of Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking in GMA Welds on HY-130 Steel.An Investigation of Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking in GMA Welds on HY-130 Steel." Advisor: Dr. Warren F. Savage Thesis topic was published in the Welding Journal, and presented at the AWS annual meeting in Cleveland, OH in 1981.
BS Mechanical Engineering
WSU Logo

Washington State University, Pullman, WA June 1975. Top 25% of graduating class. Led design team building solvent-refined coal fluidized bed furnace for national Department of Energy design competition Energy Resource Alternatives in Albuquerque, NM.

I took more than the minimum required computer classes and integrated computer use into my career.

Special Training

Computer classes in Visual Basic, dBaseII, Paradox, Sybase (SQL), Nomad, and more (though more often self-taught). Society for Non-destructive Testing SNT-TC-1A Level 1 training for ultrasonic and eddy current processes through Stavely Instruments Inc.

TauBeta Pi Logo Tau Beta Pi - Engineering honorary

Contents: Main Page | Software Projects and Assignments| Education| Employment History | Honors | Community Service

Ivar can be reached via or
8635 W. Canyon Ave.,
Kennewick, WA 99336
509 735-2254

Updated: February 5, 2003