Software Projects and Assignments

Ivar's mug

E. Ivar Husa


I have worked on a wide range of software projects over the years. I have contributed to a body of work that has required I play different roles, from coder of small projects to customer/owner of large-scale systems developers. A favorite role I have taken has been to observe a process and recognize an opportunity to apply custom software productively, and then provide it. I have done this over and over.

What follows is an incomplete listing, but enough to give one a good idea of what I do. Most of what I have to share are screen shots of the software in use. What is generally missing from this collection is documentation I have written or contributed to. Documents such as requirement specifications or testing plans are often critical to the success of a software project, and I have written (or contributed to) these as well.

Software Tools

I have done most of my recent software development in Visual Basic. In earlier days it was Turbo Pascal, Basic, FORTRAN, and dBaseII. I am a quick study, and become adept with new software tools relatively easily. I am very familiar with the MS Office suite (Word, Access, Excel, Outlook) and am often called upon by coworkers to help them use these packages.

Note: Most links below are to screen shots of the applications.

Big Projects

Little Projects

My definition of "Little Projects" means that I was the entire development team. This does not mean the software had little impact. For example, the LOOKUP software was a huge, Hanford-site-wide, success. Most of the other projects had few users, but some, such as the SCOPE-AT and Electrochemical Data Logging, paid very large dividends.

Contents: Main Resume | Software Projects and Assignments| Education | Employment History | Honors | Community Service

Ivar can be reached via or
8635 W. Canyon Ave.,
Kennewick, WA 99336
509 735-2254

Updated: February 5, 2003